2023 November Update

Introducing Story Listing Videos (Beta Testing Phase)

We are excited to announce that we are currently beta testing our new ‘Story Listing Videos’ feature with a select group of users.

If you’re interested in being a part of this innovative trial, we warmly invite you to participate. Simply respond to this email expressing your interest, and we’ll get you started on this exciting journey with us. Your feedback and experience will be invaluable in shaping this feature!

Elevate Your Listing Stories with Ease!

Experience unparalleled convenience and control! Our newly upgraded listing module empowers you to selectively post story graphics for your chosen listings. Tailor your approach and showcase your listings with just a few clicks – simplicity and flexibility are now at your fingertips!

How to use this feature

Click on ‘My Listings’ (left side panel) > For Sale / For Rent > click on a property > press ‘Upload to social now’.
TIP: Make sure you ‘select’ a story template for your account: Graphics > Listing templates (story).

Maximise Your Social Media Impact: Schedule Custom Stories on Facebook & Instagram!

Harness the full potential of social media storytelling with our advanced scheduling feature. Now, you can effortlessly plan and post your unique image and video stories on both Facebook and Instagram. Elevate your online presence by customising and timing your posts to perfection!

How to use this feature

Click on ‘custom post’ (left side panel) > New story post. Upload a single video or image and press post.

Enhancements & Changes

When you opt for the ‘post as gallery’ feature, the system will no longer auto-generate listing videos. However, you retain the flexibility to manually initiate video generation by entering the listing and selecting ‘generate’. This update is based on our observations that users who choose ‘post as gallery’ typically do not utilise the auto-video feature. For those who prefer ‘post as video’, the automatic video creation function remains active and will continue to provide seamless video integration.


Upcoming Updates to Plans and Pricing:


We are introducing changes to our plan offerings and pricing structure, effective from February 1, 2024. These updates will include modifications in plan inclusions, adjustments to pricing, and the implementation of late fees.

For a detailed overview of the new pricing and plan inclusions, please visit our pricing page at Dripflow Pricing. Additionally, comprehensive information about late fees, along with our updated terms and conditions, can be found at Dripflow Terms and Conditions. Users on yearly subscriptions will not be effected until their next billing cycle &/or plan change.


We encourage you to review these changes to stay informed about the services and options available to you.

New to dripflow?

Try our full featured plan free for 14 days!

Dripflow Feature Recap:

What's coming next?


Just a quick reminder that Dripflow.io is currently under planned maintenance. Some features may not be available during this process.

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