Advanced Graphics Editor (V2) + Templates
Need content to keep your social media pages buzzing? Use our new graphics editor and templates!
The beta version is currently available on associate plans & higher.
To access the editor click on ‘Graphics’ (left sidebar) > Graphics V2.
Boosting for custom posts
You can now boost any posts you make via dripflow.
Once the post is live, simply head over to advertising > boost > new boost.
You can create custom audiences via advertising > boost > audience.

Dripflow Feature Recap:
- Advanced Graphic Editor (V2) with templates
- Automatic listing graphic creation & posting.
- Automatic open homes graphic creation & posting
- Automatic boosting with seperate settings for each listing status
- Lead generation
- Reviews - import from FB & Google or create custom
- Automatic listing video creation & posting - slideshows with branding, music, animation
- Automatic property landing pages
- Custom posting, scheduling & boosting
- Analytics
What's coming next?
- Automation for V2 graphic templates
- New VPA & lead gen campaigns
- Something else, reel interesting 🙂